Saturday, April 02, 2011

Additional Day 2 NaPoWriMo poem: Ray

Help me form one solid ray of light
that the people will recognize me in,
their eyes staring straight ahead at what
can't be denied or diminished.  Let me
be the one from the sun that's stopped
for its beauty, that has stained glass
made for it, or a diamond that waits
only for my power to pass through it.
If I can be this laser for creation,
allow me to glorify everything here
and not here, visible to the child,
invisible to the most far reaching science.
If I can do this I ask for no pleasure,
only for the fire that inhabits us all.


Blogger Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

super fine tuned word flow.

beautiful imagery.
you rock.

8:19 PM  
Blogger Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

invite you to contribute a poem to poets rally week 41, a free verse is accepted.

We encourage, we share, we love poets, and we have fun..

Poetry awards may be assigned to quality participants/ first time participants.

Hope to see you in.

8:20 PM  

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